Do you love making lists?
Hello, my friends! This weekend has been quite productive for me.
It's no big secret - I can procrastinate like a pro - on Thursday night last week I wrote a list of things I wanted/needed to get done this weekend. I don't work on Fridays so I get an extra day, too.
Some items were chore-related and some were craft-related. I find I work best if I get all my chores done first.
Then I can enjoy my hobby - my reward, if you will. I'm busy in My Happy Place getting a few orders completed.
That hit of dopamine as I cross off each item accomplished! Oh, what a feeling!
You might discover you get more done, I did!
I sneakily wrote these extra jobs on my list, too, just so I could cross them off.
Ah, that sense of achievement is soooo good.
Adelaide has been cold, damp and a bit dreary this past few days. We are in Winter now and it's tempting to sit inside in the warm house with a lovely cup of tea or hot chocolate and a good book and let the world go by (nothing wrong with that either, this is a great way to recharge your batteries).
I'm reading an oldie but a goodie - Chicken Soup for the Women's Soul. I do love autobiographies/ biographies, medieval - Tudors etc. and books set in Paris, France.
Any good books you could recommend?
Do you get more done if you write a list? Let me know!
Lots of love,
Ngaire xo

This is Millie practising her yoga poses. xo