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Latest News from My Happy Place...

Hello, my friends!

Can you believe it's nearly May?

It's been such a busy few months time has just slipped away!

My youngest son, Thomas, will be turning 30 in May - goodness, where has that time gone? Our eldest, Daniel will be 34!

Do you feel the years are getting shorter or is it just because we are getting older?

I try to take the opportunities to visit friends and family when we can and we are planning a holiday to Western Australia later in the year.

Meet our newest member of our family - Millie

We adopted Millie from the Greyhound Adoption Program SA - she is nearly 4 years old and a certified lounge lizard. She's very gentle and loves a cuddle. It's great to have a dog in our family again!

Last Sunday I went with friends to a Harry Potter High Tea. We decided to dress up each choosing a different character. We had a lovely afternoon, well liked after by the organisers - Lady Green's High Tea (

Here's a few photos from the event.

From left:

Pam (Harry Potter) Sandi (Muggle) Me (Professor Sprout) Sharon (Mrs Wesley) Wendy (Hermione) and Donna (Professor McGonagall)

I'd like to share some photos of my art creations made over the past couple of months.

#100funfabfaces challenge

My friend, Wendy and I, attended Studio Vino (in Adelaide for another art class. We painted Monet's Garden - our interpretation. The classes are very relaxed and loads of fun! You can enjoy a glass of wine and snacks as you paint. You follow along with the teacher and paint a canvas to take home. You don't even have to paint the lesson - you can do your own thing!

Here's our results

Lastly, I'd like to share with you some watercolour pandas I painted for my sister-in-law, Christine. She celebrated her 60th birthday and has loved pandas forever!

She certainly loved them!

Thanks for stopping by to catch up on all my news!

Have you visited my You Tube channel? I do lots of crafty process videos. Why not pop on over and subscribe!

Until next time,

Ngaire xo


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