'Tis the season to be Jolly...
December is here! I now feel I can start my Christmas preparations now as December has arrived. I'm going to try my hand at December Daily/ December Documented this year. This is an idea started by Ali Edwards and is a great way to document your stories and pictures, traditions and even the more mundane parts of December. It doesn't always have to be about Christmas. I'm going to add a story about Jacaranda trees which are in bloom over our Australian summer. My childhood home had a beautiful Jacaranda growing in the front yard.
How do you celebrate the holidays? In Australia, we have people from many different cultures. I'd love to hear about some of your special festivals and holiday traditions.
Today, I will be writing out my Christmas cards to family and friends. Another story to tell. I have been making my own cards for ages and I always enjoy this project. As each year passes, I seem to send less and less which is inevitable as we do lose loved ones and friends who are sadly missed at this special time.
Our school year is nearly finished and the students will have about 6 weeks holiday. I'm not sure all the parents will have fun over this time!
I'm looking forward to my holidays as I'll be spending time in my new craft room sorting out all of my supplies etc. Can't wait!
Merry Christmas to you all. Spend time with family and friends. Give with all your heart and enjoy the festive season (and other holiday traditions, too! )